E-waste Cleanup offers free e-waste recycling, e-waste disposal, product destruction, and data destruction services to businesses throughout San Diego, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties. Are we sitting on a time bomb? We live in the most privileged generation in human history. We are surrounded by all forms of technological gadgets and advancements that have improved the quality of life. One of these technological advancements is the electronic revolution that runs right from our homes, to our offices and other workstations.
By simple definition, e-waste refers to discarded electronic devices. Such as computers,Servers,computer monitors,cell phones and all other day to day electronic devices. The term may also extend electronic appliances that are waiting to be reused, recycled, disposed of and resold.
Electronic waste is now becoming a global environmental threat. That is why there is a need to engage effective and secure measures of tackling it through recycling.

As we hinted earlier, all forms of waste that have not been properly managed causes pollution. By recycling e-waste, we offer a new lease of life to the environment and nature we live in. This means that pollution is cut down and environmental conformity, order and cleanliness are restored. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: When factories run during manufacturing, a lot of gases are cast out into the ambiance. But when goods are recycled, the frequency of manufacturing is reduced and hence gas emission levels are reduced. Economic prudence: It is cheaper to recycle a product than it is to manufacture new ones. For instance, some electronics contain metal parts that remain intact even after the devices are spoiled or have become obsolete. Such parts, especially metals, can be reused. This means that billions of dollars are saved because the need to manufacture new parts is eliminated.
Does e-waste recycling have a valid case?
This may sound to be an obvious question, but it carries with it a strong validating ground for any recycling endeavor and program. This is because if we don’t answer this question properly, then e-waste recycling may just be relegated to another fancy and digital cliché. First, it has to be noted that e-waste is an environmental hazard and threat.
Second, anything that pollutes and contaminates the environment will pose a threat to human health and harmony of function. Many electronic waste materials are laden with dangerous chemicals that are known to cause diseases such as cancer, liver infection and even memory loss.

We have the equipment, tools and staff available to meet your product destruction,shredding and disposal needs.
Disadvantages of e-waste recycling
Despite all the numerous and priceless benefits of recycling e-waste, there are certain quarters that still believe that it has some “devils in the details”. These are some of the reasons they put forward: Exposure to hard metals: workers can be exposed to hard metals and radioactive materials during the process of recycling; Leakage of hard metals: there are possibilities of such metals leaking back into the environment during the recycling process.

As we wrap up, it is clear that e-waste is a real social, environmental and health threat, but with real solutions such as e-waste recycling. With a few voices against it here and there, its benefits still outweigh these few disadvantages as long as it is done in a responsible manner that conforms to all legal and safety requirements.
This means that when you need to conduct e-waste recycling you need to talk to a reputable and competent service provider, such as EwasteCleanup.com We will provide the best alternative to all your recycling needs.
Along with helping our clients dispose of IT assets we also offer services for demands of
IT Asset Management Data Destruction Product recalled destruction On-site Pickup Found raising opportunities On-site Collection E-waste Cleanup – compliant computer and PC recyclers that has the experience and equipment necessary for recycling of all kinds of IT equipment – including servers, Computers, Hard drives and computer monitors as well as other devices use for data storage. Televisions PC Boards Laptops Computer Monitors Cables Electronic Components Routers Fax Machines Aircraft Digital Instruments Computers Stereo Systems Accelerometers Airspeed Indicators Cell Phones Printers Copy Machines Avionics Product Destruction Office Machines Scanners Camera Radios Servers Medical Equipment