Now that the holidays are over and

We’re into a new year, there are tons of new e-waste to dispose of. But it’s not as simple as throwing it in the trash.

In most places today this is no longer even legal. And the process for proper disposal of electronic items like televisions has become quite complicated.

Thinking of Donating or Recycling?

Fortunately, EwasteCleanup is here to assist all participants. There is a thriving market for used phones and other electronic devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, printers and other mobile devices. Several electronic stores will accept electronics for recycling, but they began charging for the collection of some electronics, including TV and computer monitors.  A number of groups and donations are always welcome at EwasteCleanup and the best part is FREE of Charge!!!

Here At ewastecleanup we welcome a large array of used and obsolete electronics in order to keep them from landing somewhere in the landfills.  This past 2021 with your help we managed to keep over 500,000 pounds of unwanted e-waste from reaching said places.  Ewastecleanup will like to take a moment to thank each and everyone that helped make this possible.  Being responsible about our footprint in this world shall be everybody’s priority, not just government agencies and manufacturers.

Schedule a Free Pickup!

Get in touch with us today and let’s start.