At E-Waste Clean Up in Southern California, we treat all our varied customer needs as unique cases that deserve exceptional and customized approach. That is why in our endeavor to deal with e-waste, we have stunning products destruction services that are tailored to suit and meet your every need.
Our main goal is to ensure a greener environment by offering a legal means for individuals and companies in Southern California and the surrounding suburbs to dispose of their metals and electronic goods in a safer manner.
Our process might give the impression of some what obsolete but in reality, we had found that dismantling electronic waste by hand it’s the best form to ensure the destruction process.
Some companies have the need to destroy prototypes in order to protect intellectual property and trade secrets in other scenarios companies need to destroy product because of counterfeed ideas.

So why does E-waste Clean Up engage in products destruction services? Because it is a good and compatible complement for recycling! In cases where a product has accomplished its purpose (for instance, a prototype), recycling may not work because the prototype is no longer needed. Also, take the case of outlawed counterfeit products. The only viable option of getting rid of them is through products destruction.
We, at E-waste Clean Up, do integrate products destruction into our service range because it achieves the same end as that of recycling, which is, elimination of e-waste.

Computer recycling includes all items normally used in companies like computers, computer monitors, servers, data storage, surveillance cameras, power supply, laptops and all peripherals included in a computer device.
EwasteCleanup destroys also items from some police departments evidence’s room, from knives, weapons and or electronic items like cell phones and computers used in illegal activities.
Having been around long enough, E-waste Clean Up in Southern California understands all the art and heart of products destruction. From the root causes to the customized solutions, we have mastered the landscape of destroying electronic products.
Below are some of the reasons why we will burn the midnight oil and get to our clients in order to legally and safely destroy their products:
Overstocking: should you find your shop stocked with too much electronic products inventory and you do not know how to safely and legally dispose of them, talk to us;
Sensitive prototypes: if your company or organization finds itself in possession of sensitive prototypes that you fear may end up in wrong hands, then it’s is time that you talked to us. We will destroy them as per all the legal and safety requirements; Rejected, low quality or fake products: in some cases, it is possible to find yourself stuck with fake or low standard electronic products. In order to prevent such enticing “gold mine” from slipping into the black market, it is always safe and right to destroy them.
Defective products: defective products, especially in the hands of large production and distribution chains can be a potential environmental threat. Destruction is one of the best disposal options.

Benefits and importance of products destruction
Just as its twin and complement brother recycling, products destruction comes with its own load of benefits to our esteemed customers living in Southern California where we operate. Below is a highlight of some of them:
Protection of prototypes: this will save an organization a lot of losses because competitors can easily grab a prototype, cleverly modify it and bring down a business; Proper utilization of available inventory space: It’s a key benefit conferred to large-scale stockists who use our services; Maintenance of product quality: the destruction of defective and counterfeit goods ensures that consumers are protected from potential grey market that would have sprung from them.
It also protects stockists of genuine products from unhealthy competition from unscrupulous vendors of grey market products; Safe and legal disposal: with our products destruction services, you can be sure that any unwanted electronic product in your premises will be disposed of in a safe and legally responsible manner. As we seek to do all this, we also eliminate any kind of asset tags, branding and also undertake all the logistics.
That is why you need to visit our site at for all these competent and approved products destruction services.