Our standardized policies, procedures, training and equipment guarantee assured compliance. We meet or exceed all government mandates requiring certified data destruction which are listed on our Certificates of Destruction.

Hard drives Tapes Smart phones CD’s and DVD’s
Memory chips and sticks JAZ and ZIP discs Copier
hard drives Transmitters and pagers Badges
IDs and X-rays Products and equipment
Surplus/Confiscated items
Ewaste Recycling
With the information technology explosion, businesses have adopted a multitude of electronic devices to streamline and automate business processes. When these products have outlived their useful life, they should be recycled in an environmentally responsible manner, compliant with all legal regulations for recycling e-waste.

With over 21 years of experience within the industry, our team can help you maintain compliance with privacy regulations and ensure your confidentiality is secure.
E-waste Cleanup offers free e-waste recycling, e-waste disposal, product destruction, and data destruction services to businesses throughout San Diego, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties. Are we sitting on a time bomb? We live in the most privileged generation in human history.

Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: When factories run during manufacturing, a lot of gases are cast out into the ambiance. But when goods are recycled, the frequency of manufacturing is reduced and hence gas emission levels are reduced.
Economic prudence: It is cheaper to recycle a product than it is to manufacture new ones. For instance, some electronics contain metal parts that remain intact even after the devices are spoiled or have become obsolete. Such parts, especially metals, can be reused. This means that billions of dollars are saved because the need to manufacture new parts is eliminated. Disadvantages of e-waste recycling: Despite all the numerous and priceless benefits of recycling e-waste, there are certain quarters that still believe that it has some “devils in the details”.
These are some of the reasons they put forward: Exposure to hard metals: workers can be exposed to hard metals and radioactive materials during the process of recycling
We are surrounded by all forms of technological gadgets and advancements that have improved the quality of life. One of these technological advancements is the electronic revolution that runs right from our homes, to our offices and other workstations.
Environmental restoration, order and safety: As we hinted earlier, all forms of waste that have not been properly managed causes pollution.
By recycling e-waste, we offer a new lease of life to the environment and nature we live in. This means that pollution is cut down and environmental conformity, order and cleanliness are restored.
Leakage of hard metals: there are possibilities of such metals leaking back into the environment during the recycling process.
Collection Events
Things to consider:
Organizing an electronics recycling event for your community is a great way to ensure that electronic equipment is disposed of responsibly. By hosting an event, you can help divert potentially hazardous materials from landfills and increase the collective knowledge of proper disposal methods.
To get started, enlist the help of local businesses, schools, or civic organizations who may be interested in sponsoring or volunteering to help with the event. It’s also important to find out if there are any laws or regulations that may need to be followed in order for the event to take place. For example, some areas require televisions and computer monitors to be recycled differently than other electronics due to their lead content.
When creating a plan for how the event will run, think about what types of electronics will be accepted, how people will bring in their items, and how the items will be sorted. If possible, it’s a good idea to enlist several volunteers to help with the event. These volunteers can man tables or stations where people can bring in their electronics for sorting and disposal.
Advertize your Event
Plan ahead in California we must inform and plan your event at least 30 days in advance.
Start advertising your event well ahead of time using flyers, newspaper ads, social media, and other methods. Place fliers or posters at local businesses and schools. You may also want to reach out to local radio and television stations that might provide additional coverage for your event.
On the day of the event, be sure that everyone is aware of the safety regulations they must follow while handling hazardous materials such as lead and mercury. Have extra containers and bags on hand for people to bring in their electronics, as well as gloves, safety glasses, and masks for volunteers who will be handling the items.
By hosting an electronics recycling event in your community, you can help protect the environment by ensuring that hazardous materials are properly disposed of and recycled. With a bit of planning and preparation, you’ll be able to create a successful event that everyone can enjoy!
No matter how you choose to organize the event, it’s important to consider all of the necessary elements that will ensure its success. Creating a plan for what type of items will be accepted and how they will be disposed of is key. Finding sponsors and volunteers who are willing to help is also essential, as is advertising ahead of time so people know when and where the event will take place. Finally, safety should always be a priority while handling electronics or any hazardous materials. With these steps in mind, you can create an electronics recycling event that your community can benefit from!
How to Make Money?
EwasteCleanup will help you conduct your collection event and at the same time, we can help you raise some funds for your non-profit organization and or school just give us a call to schedule a time and place to hold your next collection event and help us keep e-waste out of the landfills.
This is a short list of some of the items we can take and safely recycle:
Televisions Crt
Television Lcds
Computer Monitors
UPS Batteries
Radios Keyboards
Fax Machines
Game Consoles
Surveillance Cameras
Charging Stations Servers
Electronic Components
Cables and Cable Boxes
Cell Phones

As we wrap up, it is clear that e-waste is a real social, environmental and health threat, but with real solutions such as e-waste recycling. With a few voices against it here and there, its benefits still outweigh these few disadvantages as long as it is done in a responsible manner that conforms to all legal and safety requirements.
This means that when you need to conduct e-waste recycling you need to talk to a reputable and competent service provider, such as EwasteCleanup.com We will provide the best alternative to all your recycling needs.
Along with helping our clients dispose of IT assets we also offer services for demands of:
IT Asset Management Data Destruction Product recalled destruction On-site Pickup Found raising opportunities On-site Collection E-waste Cleanup – compliant computer and PC recyclers that has the experience and equipment necessary for recycling of all kinds of IT equipment – including servers, Computers, Hard drives and computer monitors as well as other devices use for data storage. Televisions PC Boards Laptops Computer Monitors Cables Electronic Components Routers Fax Machines Aircraft Digital Instruments Computers Stereo Systems Accelerometers Airspeed Indicators Cell Phones Printers Copy Machines Avionics Product Destruction Office Machines Scanners Camera Radios Servers Medical Equipment.